Archive | May 30, 2012

memories and emotions because of these dimples and grins

My third born turned 7 this month.  All of my boys have  different personalities, likes and dislikes, talents and abilities but out of all of them, this one is the most unique.  Where the other two are boisterous and attention grabbers, he is quiet and reserved.  Where the others are social and athletic, this one is loving and contemplative.  Where the others are tough as nails, this one is sensitive and caring.

Each one of my boys takes after their daddy in some unique way.  This little man borrowed the best of his daddy; that part of his daddy that attracted me to him 16 years ago and still melts me to this day. Thoughtful.  Luke has always put my needs and desires above his own.  He has always known when I needed extra love or extra consideration and has never hesitated to give it.  This little man is the same way.  He is the first to tell me that I am beautiful or look pretty.  He is the first to compliment the dinner I prepared.  He will never hesitate to give out lingering hugs.  He is affection personified.  He is my little lover and I am blessed to be his mommy.